Admission Requirements

The Program in Physiology Biophysics and Systems Biology is a graduate program of the Weill Graduate School of Medical Sciences of Cornell University. A close working relationship between student and faculty is essential to the program. Guidance for each student is provided by a Special Committee, a group of at least three faculty members selected by the student. This Special Committee is granted extraordinary independence in working with the student. Other than a broad framework of Weill Graduate School of Medical Sciences requirements for residence, examinations, and a thesis, and the particular requirements of the Program in Physiology and Biophysics, the student and the Special Committee are free to design an individualized program of study. No overall course, credit-hour, or grade requirements are set by the Graduate School of Medical Sciences.

The Special Committee recommends the award of the Ph.D. degree not only as the result of the fulfillment of certain formal academic requirements, but also as evidence of the development and possession of a critical and creative ability in science. Demonstration of this ability is embodied in a dissertation which the candidate presents to the faculty as an original research contribution in Physiology and Biophysics.

Admission to the PhD Program

The Program in Physiology, Biophysics and Systems Biology welcomes applications from candidates with:

  • a baccalaureate or higher degree,
  • appropriate preparation in the biological or physical sciences, and
  • ability to pursue advanced study and research.

Inquiries about the Physiology, Biophysics and Systems Biology graduate program should be addressed to:

Emre Aksay, Program Director

Physiology, Biophysics and Systems Biology
Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
1300 York Avenue
New York, NY 10065


For more information about admissions requirements to the Weill Graduate School of Medical Sciences or to request application matterials go to the Weill Graduate School of Medical Sciences web site at:

The completed application and all supporting documents are initially screened by the credentials committee of the Program in Physiology, Biophysics and Systems Biology. Applicants who are considered potentially acceptable may be called for a interview. If accepted by the program, an application is forwarded to the Dean of the the Weill Graduate School of Medical Sciences for the final decision. A student is formally notified of acceptance by a letter from the Dean.